Operations Policy and Disclaimer


The main goal of this site is to provide a convenient way for sellers to offer merchandise, as well as a great way for buyers to find merchandise at agreeable prices. In order to do this in a way that is beneficial for both buyers and sellers, EveryPart Online Auctions has established rules and procedures known as its Operations Policy.


I. Introduction
II. Description and Fees
III. Registration
IV. Selling items
a. Placing items in the auction
b. Removing items from the auction
c. Rights of the seller
d. Selling do's and don'ts
V. Bidding on items
a. Placing bids
c. Rights of the buyer
d. Bidding do's and don'ts
VI. Limits of responsiblity and liability
a. Limits of EveryPart
  1. Disputes
  2. Limits to sellers
  3. Limits to bidders

I. Introduction
is the idea of Mark Dixon and herein referred to as "EveryPart Online Auctions" or "site", has been established to provide services to its registered users as set forth in the outline below. This outline is the official operating policy of EveryPart Online Auctions, and by registering all participants have agreed to abide by this policy as it is presented. This policy is subject to modification without prior notice as deemed necessary by EveryPart Online Auctions administration to adhere to accepted practices as applied to or developed in conjunction with the operation of this site.
Because user authentication on the Internet is difficult, EveryPart cannot always confirm each user. Please be careful in your dealings, we have a user-initiated feedback system as well as internal email forms for contacting a user to help you evaluate who you are dealing with. We also suggest you contact another user directly by phone to evaluate whom you are dealing with if you think it's necessary. If you have any concerns about the transaction, please consider the use of a third party escrow service or services with direct links on EveryPart that provide additional user verification.

II. Description and Fees
EveryPart is an internet person to person classified listing venue by providing services for both sellers and buyers. Our site acts as the venue for sellers to conduct auctions and for bidders to bid on sellers auctions. EveryPart is not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers. As such, the site has limited control in the trading and held harmless in regard to the condition, quality, shipping and handling, legality and/or trademark of the item(s), the honesty or accuracy of the listings, the ability of sellers to sell items or the ability of buyers to buy items.
Services are as follows:

III. Registration
In order to participate at EveryPart Online Auctions, users must first register. Registration is free and registered use of this service is only available to adults. All information is kept strictly confidential.

The purposes for registration are:

  1. Provide "real-world" contact information should the need arise
  2. Assure to some degree the sincerity of participants
  3. Simplify participation in the auction process
  4. Receive benefits offered by EveryPart

Registration information will not be used for marketing or solicitation by EveryPart or third parties. Registration is subject to verification of the information provided by the registering user when deemed necessary by EveryPart administration.

IV. Selling items
Only registered users may sell items in the online auctions. All items presented are the sole responsibility of the seller. EveryPart Online Auctions is a listing venue for items being sold in the means of interactive electronic classified ads and does not hold nor is responsible for any merchandise presented by the users listings.

V. Bidding on items
Only the registered user may bid on items presented in the auction. All items presented are the sole responsibility of the seller. EveryPart is merely the listing service, and does not hold nor is responsible for any merchandise presented in the auction listings. This service is today's technological interactive version of newspaper classified ads.

VI. Limits of responsibility and liability

* * * If you do not agree to these terms please do not participate * * *







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Copyright ©1999-2002 EveryPart All Rights Reserved
Use of this site constitutes your acceptance of the Operations Policy and Conditions.